Results for 'Juste Joris Tindy-Poaty'

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  1. Juste-Joris t1ndy-poaty 55 la quete de soi dans l'alchimiste de Paulo Coelho.Juste Joris Tindy-Poaty - 2002 - Humanitas 1:55.
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    Philosophie et poésie: le discours philosophique suggestif chez Louis Lavelle.Juste Joris Tindy-Poaty - 2012 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 1 (1):29-42.
    Le « discours philosophique suggestif » ou « style philosophique poétique » est à la fois un procédé d'écriture et un procédé d'exposition conceptuelle par lesquels le philosophe se fait l'émule du poète. Ce style, qui caractérise, selon Lavelle, les plus grands philosophes, est à distinguer du style philosophique « classique ». Celui-ci, abstrait et froid, ne parle qu'à notre intelligence alors que le style philosophique poétique interpelle en même temps notre sensibilité. Il incarne l'Être ou l'Absolu et a vocation (...)
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    Education in an Age of Digital Technologies: Flusser, Stiegler, and Agamben on the Idea of the Posthistorical.Joris Vlieghe - 2014 - Philosophy and Technology 27 (4):519-537.
    On the basis of a close reading of three authors , I try to elucidate what the growing presence of digital technologies in our lives implies for the sphere of schooling and education. Developing a technocentric perspective, I discuss whether what is happening today concerns just the newest form of humankind's fundamental dependency on a technological milieu or that it concerns a fundamental shift. From Flusser, I take the idea that the practice of writing shapes human subjectivity, as well as (...)
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    Is er iets mis met de mis? Beschouwingen over de eucharistie in het licht van recente ontwikkelingen en Vaticanum II.Joris Geldhof - 2013 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 74 (1):65-84.
    Is there something wrong with the Mass? Reflections on the Eucharist in light of recent developments and Vatican II The starting point for this paper is the observation that the first decade of the twenty-first century has shown considerable interest in the Eucharist, at least from the side of the Vatican. There was not only the last encyclical of John Paul II, Ecclesia de Eucharistia, and the postsynodal apostolic exhortation of his successor Benedict XVI, Sacramentum caritatis, but also the promulgation (...)
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    Religionis causa.Joris Van Eijnatten - 2006 - Journal of Religious Ethics 34 (4):609-635.
    The claim is widespread that the preservation, or reintroduction, of Western traditions of holy war in the post-Reformation period was due mostly to Protestantism, especially in its Calvinist variety. This paper makes a case for examining the thought of a much broader selection of minor intellectuals on just and holy war than is usually done, and to do so in other national contexts than exclusively the English Puritan one. To test the apparently widespread view that, historically, Calvinism has had a (...)
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    Making Biomedical Sciences publications more accessible for machines.Joris Van Meenen, Hanne Leysen, Hongyu Chen, Rudi Baccarne, Deborah Walter, Bronwen Martin & Stuart Maudsley - 2022 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 25 (2):179-190.
    With the rapidly expanding catalogue of scientific publications, especially within the Biomedical Sciences field, it is becoming increasingly difficult for researchers to search for, read or even interpret emerging scientific findings. PubMed, just one of the current biomedical data repositories, comprises over 33 million citations for biomedical research, and over 2500 publications are added each day. To further strengthen the impact biomedical research, we suggest that there should be more synergy between publications and machines. By bringing machines into the realm (...)
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    The educational meaning of tiredness: Agamben and Buytendijk on the experience of (im)potentiality.Joris Vlieghe - 2016 - Ethics and Education 11 (3):359-371.
    In this article, I go deeper into the educational meaning of tiredness. Over and against the mainstream view that tiredness is an impediment for education, I show that this phenomenon is intrinsically meaningful. My arguments are based, first, on a detailed phenomenological analysis of tiredness, as proposed by Buytendijk. Tiredness can be defined as the point where lack of willpower and lack of ability become utterly indistinguishable. Second, I turn to Agamben’s genealogy of the will, which shows that willpower was (...)
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    Experiencing (Im)potentiality: Bollnow and Agamben on the Educational Meaning of School Practices.Joris Vlieghe - 2013 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 32 (2):189-203.
    This article explores the uses of Agamben’s philosophy for understanding the educational meaning of practices that typically take/took place at school, such as the collective rehearsal of the alphabet or the multiplication tables. More precisely, I propose that these forms of ‘practising’ show what schooling, as a particular and historically contingent institution, is all about. Instead of immediately assessing the ‘practice of practising’ in terms of learning outcomes, I turn to Bollnow’s attempt to analyze this phenomenon in a substantially educational (...)
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    ICT Literacy: A Technical or Non-technical Issue?Joris Vlieghe - 2017 - Foundations of Science 22 (2):401-404.
    In this short reply to Riis’ paper I first deal with his perceptive defence of ICT literacy, to which I fully subscribe, showing how his ideas might gain from highlighting the ‘technical’ dimensions involved in literacy practices. Second, this will allow me to make some comments regarding the curricular and organizational aspects of contemporary education, which forms the largest part of his paper. My main line of criticism towards Riis’ paper is that I defend a ‘technical’ rather than a ‘non-technical’ (...)
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    Eric S. Hintz, American Independent Inventors in an Era of Corporate R&D.Joris Mercelis - 2024 - Minerva 62 (2):305-308.
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    Negotiation and Deliberation: Grasping the Difference.Constanza Ihnen Jory - 2016 - Argumentation 30 (2):145-165.
    Negotiation and deliberation are two context types or genres of discourse widely studied in the argumentation literature. Within the pragma-dialectical framework, they have been characterised in terms of the conventions constraining the use of argumentative discourse in each of them. Thanks to these descriptions, it has become possible to analyse the arguers’ strategic manoeuvres and carry out more systematic, context-sensitive evaluations of argumentative discussions. However, one issue that still must be addressed in the pragma-dialectical theory—and other contextual approaches to argumentation—is (...)
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    Schooling Bodies to Read and Write: A Technosomatic Perspective.Joris Vlieghe - 2016 - Educational Theory 66 (4):441-455.
    In this article Joris Vlieghe defends the view that technologies of reading and writing are more than merely instruments that support education, arguing that these technologies themselves decide what education is all about and that they form subjectivity in substantial ways. Expanding on insights taken from media theory, Vlieghe uses the work of Bernard Stiegler in order to develop a “technosomatic” account of literacy initiation, that is, a perspective that zooms in on the physical dimensions of how to operate (...)
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  13. Methods and Software for Computing Mathematical Functions-A Matlab Implementation of an Algorithm for Computing Integrals of Products of Bessel Functions.Joris Van Deun & Ronald Cools - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf, Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 284-295.
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    Pro Veritate: A Case for a Method of Concordance in Theology.Joris Geldhof - 2009 - New Blackfriars 90 (1027):303-321.
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    Baader En Schelling Over Descartes En Spinoza.Joris Geldhof - 2005 - Bijdragen 66 (3):301-325.
    At a time when Hegel completed the project of modern philosophy in Berlin, two of his contemporaries, Schelling and Baader, formulated a vehement critique of modernity. Both teaching at the University of Munich, these profound authors developed, in their writings of the 1830s, a comprehensive standpoint that claimed to be faithful to Christianity. In order to do so, Baader and Schelling thought it necessary to challenge the very origins of modern thought. In this contribution, it is argued that both thinkers (...)
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    The Πολιτικὸς Στίχος poetry as reliable evidence of linguistic phenomena.Jorie Soltic - 2013 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 106 (2):811-842.
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    After postmodernism: Asking the right question.Joris Vlieghe & Piotr Zamojski - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (14):1502-1503.
    Why ask ‘what after post-modernism’? This question implies that postmodernism, as a grand narrative, recently withered away, that this is an event educators should be concerned with, and that it ca...
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    Rethinking emancipation with Freire and Rancière: A plea for a thing-centred pedagogy.Joris Vlieghe - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (10):917-927.
    In this article, I critically engage with a vital assumption behind the work of Paulo Freire, and more generally behind any critical pedagogy, viz. the belief that education is fundamentally about emancipation. My main goal is to conceive of a contemporary critical pedagogy which stays true to the original inspiration of Freire’s work, but which at the same time takes it in a new direction. More precisely, I confront Freire with Jacques Rancière. Not only is the latter’s work on education (...)
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    Traditional and digital literacy. The literacy hypothesis, technologies of reading and writing, and the ‘grammatized’ body.Joris Vlieghe - 2015 - Ethics and Education 10 (2):209-226.
    This article discusses, from a theoretical and philosophical perspective, the meaning and the importance of basic literacy training for education in an age in which digital technologies have become ubiquitous. I discuss some arguments, which I draw from the so-called literacy hypothesis approach, in order to understand the significance of a ‘traditional’ initiation into literacy. I then use the work of Bernard Stiegler on bodily gestures and routines, related to different technologies, in order to elaborate and criticize the claims the (...)
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  20.  53
    Temporality, Pleasure, and the Angelic in Teaching: Toward a Pictorial-Ontological Turn in Education.Joris Vlieghe & Tyson E. Lewis - 2017 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 51 (2):59-81.
    In this article, we explore the possibilities that works of art might possess for looking in original and unforeseen ways into something that, at first sight, has little to do with arts and artistic practice. To be more precise, we present here three artistic representations, taken from various times and style periods, that depict a well-known figure in art history: angels. A detailed description and analysis of these images give us the opportunity to figure out something about another figure, which (...)
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    Reading Kant as a radical empiricist: or how to find an orientation for education after progress.Joris Vlieghe - 2023 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 57 (6):1059-1071.
    This article deals with the educational challenge of responding to the pending ecological crisis (and many other future apocalyptic scenarios that haunt our imagination). It seems we are living in a time when we have given up on the idea that progress is possible or desirable, and this questions education at its roots. In order to find a proper educational response that befits our time, it is requested that we gain a new sense of orientation (which is no longer aimed (...)
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    The Bible in the Later Thought of F. W. J. Schelling.Joris Geldhof - 2004 - Philosophy and Theology 16 (1):45-72.
    The author argues taht the most important source of Schelling’s ‘later thought’ is undoubtably the Bible. Schelling not only referred to it more than to any other work, he also systematically endeavored to harmonize his philosophical and theological ideas with the content of the Holy Scriptures. This was by no means evident in the post-Enlightenment context, which was characterized by its vehement critique of the Bible. The author thus investigates whether Schelling’s scripturally based forays into exegesis, dogmatic theology, and philosophy (...)
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    The operationalisation of religion and world view in surveys of nurses' attitudes toward euthanasia and assisted suicide.Joris Gielen, Stef Van den Branden & Bert Broeckaert - 2009 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 12 (4):423-431.
    Most quantitative studies that survey nurses’ attitudes toward euthanasia and/or assisted suicide, also attempt to assess the influence of religion on these attitudes. We wanted to evaluate the operationalisation of religion and world view in these surveys. In the Pubmed database we searched for relevant articles published before August 2008 using combinations of search terms. Twenty-eight relevant articles were found. In five surveys nurses were directly asked whether religious beliefs, religious practices and/or ideological convictions influenced their attitudes, or the respondents (...)
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    Debating as a Deliberative Instrument in Educational Practice.Joris Graff - 2022 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 41 (6):613-633.
    In recent decades, deliberation about public issues has become a central theme in citizenship education. In line with an increasing philosophical and political appreciation of the importance of deliberation within democracy, schools, as training grounds for democratic citizenship, should foster high-level deliberative skills. However, when this insight is translated into practical formats, these formats suffer from a number of shortcomings. Specifically, they can be criticised on philosophical grounds for advantaging select societal groups, and on empirical grounds for facilitating groupthink mechanisms. (...)
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  25. Paradigms of Legal Science.Mario Jori - 1990 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 67 (2):230-254.
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    The Unity of Oppositions: Reason’s Self-Knowledge.Joris Spigt - 2018 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 11 (1):182-186.
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    Towards an Aesthetics of Study.Joris Vlieghe - 2023 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 42 (4):455-461.
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    Enter the metrics: critical theory and organizational operationalization of AI ethics.Joris Krijger - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (4):1427-1437.
    As artificial intelligence (AI) deployment is growing exponentially, questions have been raised whether the developed AI ethics discourse is apt to address the currently pressing questions in the field. Building on critical theory, this article aims to expand the scope of AI ethics by arguing that in addition to ethical principles and design, the organizational dimension (i.e. the background assumptions and values influencing design processes) plays a pivotal role in the operationalization of ethics in AI development and deployment contexts. Through (...)
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    Causality and independence in perfectly adapted dynamical systems.Joris M. Mooij & Tineke Blom - 2023 - Journal of Causal Inference 11 (1).
    Perfect adaptation in a dynamical system is the phenomenon that one or more variables have an initial transient response to a persistent change in an external stimulus but revert to their original value as the system converges to equilibrium. With the help of the causal ordering algorithm, one can construct graphical representations of dynamical systems that represent the causal relations between the variables and the conditional independences in the equilibrium distribution. We apply these tools to formulate sufficient graphical conditions for (...)
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    Out of Love for Some‐Thing: An Ontological Exploration of the Roots of Teaching with Arendt, Badiou and Scheler.Joris Vlieghe & Piotr Zamojski - 2019 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 53 (3):518-530.
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    In the Lap of Collective Impotentiality: Reexamining a Pragmatic Account of Thinking Through an Agambenian Lens.Joris Vlieghe - 2022 - Educational Theory 72 (4):473-490.
    The background of the argument Joris Vlieghe develops in this article is the idea, proposed by neopragmatic scholars, that a way of aptly dealing with the societal issues that have come about in the wake of a global ecological crisis consists of engaging in practices of study. This involves thinking, a concept that needs to be reconsidered from an educational perspective. Hence the article turns to John Dewey's classical pragmatic account of thinking, so as to show that this Deweyan (...)
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    Towards an Education of the Senses.Joris Vlieghe - 2024 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 43 (4):377-390.
    This article is part of a special issue which builds on Italo Calvino’s memos for the next millennium. More specifically, this paper gives an educational reading of the quality of exactitude. This quality is at the heart of what education is all about, viz. learning to give an adequate response to what things in the world demand of us – students and teachers. This demands the collective building of a capacity to see the world in the same way. Hence, an (...)
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  33. Het Godsprobleem.Joris Baers (ed.) - 1969 - Antwerpen,: Patmos.
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    After Enlightenment: Hamann as Post‐Secular Visionary – By John R. Betz.Joris Geldhof - 2010 - Modern Theology 26 (2):306-308.
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    A paradigm of permeability: Franz von Baader on love.Joris Geldhof - 2017 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 78 (1-2):91-105.
    ABSTRACTBavarian intellectual Franz Xaver von Baader counts among the most prominent representatives of German Romanticism, although his name and fame have almost been forgotten. Baader was a key figure among the Romantic scene and an ardent defender of Catholicism in the aftermath of Enlightenment criticism on the Christian faith and tradition. Most interesting is that he did not construe his apologia on the basis of rational considerations only, as a counterattack as it were, but that he took a point of (...)
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    Dienstmaagd of vriendin?: een dialoog tussen filosofie en theologie.Joris Geldhof (ed.) - 2005 - Leuven: Acco.
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    Liturgy as theological Norm getting acquainted with 'liturgical theology'.Joris Geldhof - 2010 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 52 (2):155-176.
    In this article a case is made for considering the liturgy as theological norm par excellence. The case is built up by relying on an emphatic current of thought within the field of liturgical studies, namely the ‘liturgical theology’ as it was developed by Alexander Schmemann, Aidan Kavanagh, and David W. Fagerberg. After presenting the concept of ‘liturgical theology’ and the context out of which it emerged, its major characteristics are discussed. Particular attention is devoted to the radicalness of their (...)
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    The figure of the monk as the ideal of a liturgical life? Perspectives from political philosophy and liturgical theology.Joris Geldhof - 2016 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 77 (4-5):237-251.
    ABSTRACTThis article investigates some salient features of the fascination for the monk in contemporary scholarship. Interestingly, the figure of the monk has attracted the attention of authors engaged in fields as diverse as political philosophy and liturgical theology, clearly without referring to one another. On the one hand, the much talked-about Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben discusses the liturgical heritage of Western civilization to better understand the mechanisms behind modern politics and economy. In that context, he sees the monk as someone (...)
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    The operationalisation of religion and world view in surveys of nurses’ attitudes toward euthanasia and assisted suicide.Joris Gielen, Stef Branden & Bert Broeckaert - 2009 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 12 (4):423-431.
    Most quantitative studies that survey nurses’ attitudes toward euthanasia and/or assisted suicide, also attempt to assess the influence of religion on these attitudes. We wanted to evaluate the operationalisation of religion and world view in these surveys. In the Pubmed database we searched for relevant articles published before August 2008 using combinations of search terms. Twenty-eight relevant articles were found. In five surveys nurses were directly asked whether religious beliefs, religious practices and/or ideological convictions influenced their attitudes, or the respondents (...)
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  40. Seeing, Comparing, Narrating: Making-of the Middle Ages in the early history of art.Joris Corin Heyder - 2021 - In Martin Carrier, Rebecca Mertens & Carsten Reinhardt, Narratives and comparisons: adversaries or allies in understanding science? [Bielefeld]: Bielefeld University Press, an imprint of Transcript Verlag.
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    Aristotle’s Philosophy of Mind.Alberto Jori - 2022 - Axiomathes 32 (6):1525-1538.
    In an attempt to reject Cartesian Dualism, some philosophers and scientists of the late twentieth century proposed a return to the ancient position that Descartes had opposed, i.e., Aristotle’s psychological hylomorphism, which applied to living beings the ontological thesis, according to which every substance is a compound of matter (hyle) and form (morphe). In this perspective, the soul is actual possession of the body’s capacity to perform a series of life functions. Therefore, according to Aristotle, soul and body are reciprocally (...)
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    Cil X I V 2408 = dessau 5196.E. J. Jory - 1965 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 109 (1-4):307-308.
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    Ermeneutica e filosofia analitica: due concezioni del diritto a confronto.Mario Jori (ed.) - 1994 - Torino: Giappichelli.
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    (1 other version)Letter to the editors.Armanda Jori - 1990 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 3 (2):99-101.
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    Per evidenza: conoscenza e segni nell'età barocca.Giacomo Jori - 1998 - Venezia: Marsilio Editori.
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    Situation Des étuDes thomistes.C. M. Joris Vansteenkiste - 1974 - Bijdragen 35 (2):118-128.
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    thèses avec troie: Partonopeu de blois ou le sens d'un retour'.Pierre-Marie Joris - 2004 - Mediaevalia 25 (2):63-78.
    This paper explores the relationship between Partonopeus de Blois and other contemporary Old French texts. Among the numerous reworkings of literary material recognisable within the narrative, the author focuses on how the narrator of the Old French text rewrites elements from the romances of antiquity, particularly material related to Thebes and to the story of Troy. He argues that the skillful integration of these elements and the inherent intertextuality of the structure of the romance informs our reception of the text, (...)
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  48. Tempo, eternità e soggettività nel pensiero greco.Alberto Jori - 2004 - Studium 100 (4-5):555-578.
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    Δηλώσω σοι γὰρ τὰς αὐτοῦ πράξεις / A note on the order of clitic pronouns and particles in the Grottaferrata Digenis Akritis.Jorie Soltic, Mark Janse & Klaas Bentein - 2012 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 105 (2).
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  50. Digital Umgang and The Loss of a Common World.Joris Vlieghe & Piotr Zamojski - 2024 - Philosophy of Education 80 (3):187-199.
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